We're sharing insights and updates that we hope you’ll find valuable and will share with your team and customers. As always, we thank you for your ongoing partnership in helping ensure the best outcomes for individuals with disabilities.
3 Questions with Mikael Backlund | Funktionsverket AB
What inspired you to start selling assistive technology products?
In the early 2000’s, I started working with software designed to assist children with dyslexia. Back then most companies within AT did not even have a proper website, so the trade shows acted as a water hole for making new acquaintances and networking within the industry.
One such trade show led to another, and soon I started to become more interested in the various AAC products being showcased by other vendors. My sister’s firstborn has autism and did not speak at all until they turned 8, so I had already followed their struggles from the late 80’s. Finding all these fantastic devices made by equally fantastic people was like stepping through a gateway to a new world of possibilities.
However, my employers did not share my enthusiasm in AAC products. Eventually I took the leap and started Funktionsverket together with a colleague. AbleNet has been a staple brand for us since the very start (shoutout to the brilliant people at RedNet for making that possible) on our journey from a fledgling mom-and-pop shop to become one of the leading suppliers of AAC devices in Scandinavia today.
What is your favorite AbleNet product to showcase to customers, and why?
Honestly, you can never go wrong with the classics. A BIGmack mixed connected to a switch adapted toy is always a crowd pleaser. QuickTalkers have steadily gained traction in recent years and new additions such as the iTalk 4 and Talking Brix often receive praise for their modern look and design. A mixed bag of both old and new does the trick!
What's a fun fact about where you live that not many people know?
It’s the tiny island Fotö, situated on the western shores of Sweden smack in the middle between southern Norway and northern Denmark. The car ferry that goes between here and Gothenburg is the most trafficked ferry route in Northern Europe.
Here’s a picture of a couple of retired old friends from 2019, taken at the docks close by our offices: