Adapted KWL Charts

In this activity, use this adapted KWL chart to involve all students in the learning process. KWL charts are wonderful tools to use for activating prior knowledge within your students.

This activity addresses:

  • Critical Thinking
  • Organization
  • Cause and Effect
  • Alternative methods of access

What you need:


  1. Record things that you have previously covered in class on level 1 of your Step-by-Step. These will be things that will go in the “K” column.
  2. Record things that you want them to learn from the lesson on level 3 of your Step-by-Step. These will be things that will go in the “L” column.
  3. Leave level 2 blank.
  4. Create overlays using the AbleNet Symbol Overlay Maker app.

What to do:


  1. Begin by explaining what a KWL chart is and how to use it, if your students are not familiar with one.
  2. Ask students some questions to fill in the “K” column; allow students to use the Step-by-Step to get the conversation going. Add incorrect items to challenge their understanding.
  3. List all pertinent suggestions in the “K” column.

Want to Know

  1. Remind students what the “W” column is used for. As you explain the column, list some things they may want to learn about the subject. As you list them, record them to level 2 of your Step-by-Step.
  2. Allow students to suggest items for the “W” column as well as offer the Step-by-Step to students to facilitate communication. Students can cycle through the Step-by-Step until they find something they would like to learn about the subject.


  1. Ask students to tell you some of the things they learned during the lesson and list these in the “L” column.
  2. Have students use level 3 on the Step-by-Step to share what they learned. Use the incorrect responses you recorded to clarify information for the students.
  3. When you have finished all three columns, record the “L” column to level 1 on your Step-by-Step and you will be one step ahead for your next KWL chart.


  • “A KWL chart helps us organize our thinking. Each column on the chart has a meaning. The “K” column is where we will list some of the things we know about the subject, the “W” column is where we will list some of the things we want to know, and the “L” column is where we will list some of the things we have learned when we are all done.”
  • Additional suggestions:
    Remember, KWL charts don’t need to just be made up of words. Pictures and symbols can be effective tools as well.