Build Capacity in AAC Implementation Across Environments by Shifting Mindsets Capacity (on-demand registration)
Build Capacity in AAC Implementation Across Environments by Shifting Mindsets Capacity
Available November, 7 2022 - November, 7 2027 | 60 minutes | 0.1 ASHA CEUs
The need to build capacity while supporting students with complex communication needs is critical. SLP’s and AAC teams need to deepen and expand their knowledge base in AAC implementation. Having the knowledge in the hands of one “expert” is not a sustainable model of support for AAC. To ensure a larger impact, we must move to a model that builds capacity. What tools and strategies can we use to shift the current “expert” mindset? Examples of how multiple district level teams embraced a capacity building model supported by a county level AAC team will be shared. Participants will be encouraged to consider their current state and determine what shifts can be made toward a capacity building model.

Presenter: Marlene Cummings, AAC Consultant @MRC Communications
Relevant Financial Relationship: Marlene is the owner of MRC Communications.
Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: Marlene has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.
Presenter Biography: Marlene is a SLP, former early childhood educator, and AAC Consultant. Her 40-year career is highlighted by her passion to create environments and change culture for students with complex communication needs in AAC, language and literacy. Marlene designed and implemented an AAC classroom program for students with severe apraxia and an accompanying AT Center. She specializes in designing innovative implementation systems utilizing cutting edge professional learning frameworks and dynamic service delivery models to build capacity and sustainability among teams and organizations. She currently influences others in the field through state, national and international conference presentations focused on AAC implementation frameworks, capacity building, shifting mindsets and job embedded learning models. Marlene teaches graduate students in AAC, contributes posts on PrAACtical AAC, blogs and newsletters and most recently collaborated with The Center for Literacy and Disability Studies.
Learner Outcomes
- Identify three aspects of capacity building
- Identify three ways to build capacity
- Identify three benefits of a calloborative model
- Intro to topic (5 minutes)
- Mindset - Expert versus Collaborative Model (15 minutes)
- Capacity Building (15 minutes)
- Dynamic Professional Development (15 minutes)
- Summary and Q and A (10 minutes)
Cost: Free
Audience: Early Career Professionals (under 5 years), Speech-Language Pathologists, Related Professionals
Topic Area: Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Leadership and Professional Issues

ASHA CEU Requirements: Must complete the post webinar assessment with 80% accuracy. Unlimited attempts are allowed. Partial credit is not available.
Accessibility: Please email if you require any additional accessibility support. We will be happy to work with you!
Complaint: We strive to provide professional development that highlights today’s best practices. If you have complaints/concerns regarding ableU please contact We will review the complaint or concern. When appropriate, we will take action to address the issue within 10 business days.
Refund: Refunds are not available for free sessions.