Considerations in Adding Non-Robust AAC Tools as Secondary Systems (On-Demand Registration)
Considerations in Adding Non-Robust AAC Tools as Secondary Systems
Available June 8, 2023 – May 31, 2028 | 60 minutes | 0.1 ASHA CEUs
There are a variety of AAC Tools that are very small. They are not, nor claim to be, robust vocabulary systems. These tools can possibly play a secondary role. This session reviews the features and usage of this category of AAC tools; it does NOT promote that these systems are a person’s primary system.
Presenter: Kelly Fonner Special Educator & AT Consultant
Relevant Financial Relationship: Kelly’s financial disclosures include that she is a co-author of the QIAT: Quality Indicators in Assistive Technology books that may be mentioned in this presentation. Kelly receives work-based payment for presentations and consultative services from families of students, school districts, agencies, and companies connected to assistive technology. She is not receiving financial support from those entities for this presentation.
Relevant Non-Financial Relationship: Kelly's non-financial disclosures are voluntary leadership membership of QIAT, Wisconsin AAC Network, and an advisor the ATIA Conference; She is a member of CEC, ISTE, USSAAC, and RESNA. On occasion she receives copies of apps and materials as a professional courtesy.
Presenter Biography: Kelly is a special educator and assistive technology consultant. She is also an online teacher of students with complex learning needs. During her career, she has been a teacher, para-educator, instructional media specialist, assistive technology specialist in early education, school & university settings. She has a master’s in educational technology with emphasis in rehabilitation technology. Kelly has presented across the US and internationally in the field of AT/AAC for over 35 years. She has worked for a statewide AT project, federal AT/AAC grants at universities & has been an instructor in university courses. She is a leadership member of QIAT & the WI AAC Network, & a co-author of two QIAT books.
Learner Outcomes
- Participants will be able to list a minimum of 3 features of non-robust AAC systems
- Participants will be able to describe 2 uses of non-robust AAC systems
- Participants will be able to create a customized feature match for an AAC Communicator
- Introduction (5 minutes)
- Non-robust systems (10 minutes)
- Considerations of non-robust systems (15 minutes)
- Feature Match Chart (25 minutes)
- Q&A (5 minutes)
Cost: Free
Audience: Assistants, Public/Consumers, Students, Early Career Professionals (under 5 years), Related Professionals, Those seeking to increase Cultural Competency, International Affiliates
Topic Area: Acquired Cognitive Communication Disorders, Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Equity, Inclusion and Influence of Cultural and Linguistic Diversity, Language and Learning in School-Age Individuals, Language Disorders in Adults, Language in Infants Through Preschoolers, Speech and Language Science
ASHA CEU Requirements: Must complete the post webinar assessment with 80% accuracy. Unlimited attempts are allowed. Partial credit is not available.
Accessibility: Please email if you require any additional accessibility support. We will be happy to work with you!
Complaint: We strive to provide professional development that highlights today’s best practices. If you have complaints/concerns regarding ableU please contact We will review the complaint or concern. When appropriate, we will take action to address the issue within 10 business days.
Refund: Refunds are not available for free sessions.