Reseller Newsletter December 2024

AbleNet Reseller Newsletter - April 2023.

Welcome to the AbleNet Reseller Newsletter. We're sharing insights and updates that we hope you’ll find valuable and will share with your team and customers. As always, we thank you for your ongoing partnership in helping ensure the best outcomes for individuals with disabilities.

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

December 3rd marks the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, a global celebration that promotes the rights and well-being of people with disabilities. This year's theme focuses on building a more inclusive, accessible, and sustainable world. Join us in recognizing this important day by learning more and exploring how you can get involved—visit the official website.

Disney's Out of My Mind Movie

Disney Original Movie: Out of My Mind. Now Available.

AbleNet is thrilled about the release of Disney's Out of My Mind, a powerful film that brings much-needed awareness to individuals with speech disorders and highlights their incredible impact when given the opportunity to communicate. The story showcases the transformative power of a voice and the endless possibilities it unlocks. At AbleNet, we are proud to be part of this journey, empowering individuals with speech devices to experience the life-changing power of communication.

AbleNet Symbol Overlay Maker App

The Symbol Overlay Maker app supports best outcomes by providing free access to symbol overlays for AbleNet speech devices and accessibility switches. Thousands of SymbolStix symbols are readily available to create meaningful symbol overlays, and the app supports multiple languages.

Help support best outcomes by promoting the Symbol Overlay Maker app in your region.

3 Questions With...
Leanne Husk | Bridges Canada

Each month, we’ll ask one of our resellers the same three questions to share their journey, favorite products, and fun insights. This month, we're talking with Leanne from Canada.

What inspired you to start selling assistive technology products?

I started my career working in schools with students who have special needs. I hated how so many students would get frustrated or were embarrassed because they weren’t able to do things for themselves. Even worse was how often they were not included or relegated to “watching” if their needs were particularly complex. That set me on a mission .....

If you’d like to be featured in an upcoming segment, fill out this form to get started!

Paul Thompson.

Paul Thompson

VP of Global Assistive Technology at AbleNet, Inc.

Virtual Meeting Click here to book a virtual meeting with me
