
Welcome to the AbleNet Reseller Portal, your one-stop resource for everything you need to successfully promote and sell our products. Here, you'll find exclusive tools, valuable insights, and up-to-date information to help grow your business. Thank you for all you do to help individuals with disabilities reach their human potential.

Reseller Newsletters

Marketing Materials


For product images, logos, and photos of products being used by customers, please visit AbleNet on Brandfolder.

AbleNet Brandfolder


For product videos please visit AbleNet on YouTube.

AbleNet YouTube

AT Support

The free AbleNet Symbol Overlay Maker app for Apple devices supports best outcomes by providing an easy way for therapists, teachers, and parents to quickly create printable symbol overlays for AbleNet speech devices and accessibility switches. The app includes the best-in-class SymbolStix symbol set with thousands of high-quality symbols. Product images for the app are available in the Reseller Brandfolder. Please feel free to include this link to download the app along side your AbleNet product listings.

Access the AbleNet knowledge base for on-demand support resources that are available 24/7. Support resources include Quick Start Guides, getting started and advanced feature videos, downloadable resources, and other support information.

Additional Resources

Paul Thompson.

Paul Thompson

VP of Global Assistive Technology at AbleNet, Inc.

Virtual Meeting Click here to book a virtual meeting with me
