In this Remarkable Idea, students take a spin on the classic word game by adding an assistive technology component and themes.
This activity addresses:
- Spelling
- Social skills
- Choice making
- Cause and effect
- Fine motor skills
- Good sportsmanship
- Alternative methods of access
What you need:
- All-Turn-It Spinner
- Jelly Bean switch
- SuperTalker FT / QuickTalker FT / iPad with SoundingBoard app
- Blue2 FT
- Alphabet overlay for All-Turn-It Spinner (All-Turn-It Spinner-Alphabet Overlay or create your own. Creating your own allows you the flexibility to use less letters as well!)
- White construction paper cut in half lengthwise
- Sticky Tack or magnets (to make the construction paper stick to the board)
- Decide on your theme (decorate a pumpkin, feathers on a turkey, build a snowman, etc.) and the pieces needed (example: pumpkin - nose, mouth, eyes, stem, leaves, etc.)
- Record the words you plan to use on your selected communication device (example words: pumpkin, witch, bat, Halloween, etc.)
- Write the words you plan to use on strips of construction paper; they should be large enough to read from across the room.
What to do:
- Explain the rules of the Word Game so everyone knows how to play.
- When it is your turn, you get to guess a letter for the puzzle.
- If you are right, the letter gets added to the word. If you are wrong, the letter is written off to the side and a piece of the character is added.
- Each student takes a turn spinning the All-Turn-It Spinner by pressing the Jelly Bean switch. If it lands on a letter that has already been guessed, the student will spin again.
- After a student has taken their turn, they can take a guess at what the word is using the SuperTalker FT / QuickTalker FT / iPad with SoundingBoard app or the strips of paper on the board.
- Once the word is solved, begin again until all words are complete.