World Traveler

In this Remarkable Idea, students will learn about other countries and cultures by 'traveling around the world'.

This activity addresses:

  • Geography
  • Social Studies
  • Cause and Effect
  • Alternative methods of access

What you need:

  • Sponges
  • Tempera paint
  • Ink pad
  • Glue
  • Craft foam sheets
  • Wood block
  • Passport – (you can find many variations online if you search “kids passport activity” choose one that is suitable for your students)
  • Art materials –(crayons, colored pencils, markers, construction paper, scissors, glue, etc.)
  • Trays/containers (for paint)
  • PowerLink 4
  • Camera/iPad
  • Blue2 FT
  • CD player
  • Hitch 2 (optional)
  • Jelly Bean switch (optional)


Create the passports

  1. Take a picture of each student for the passport. Students can assist with this using either:
    • The camera app on an iPad/iPod with a Blue2 FT as the shutter button.
    • The webcam on a computer with a Hitch 2 set to mouse click and a Jelly Bean switch as the camera shutter.
  2. Print out their picture in a size that will fit in their passport.
  3. Print out a passport for each student.

What to do:

Each student, or group of students is assigned a country. Students should create brochures for their country that include information about it: flag, culture, notable landforms and bodies of water, music, history, type of government, money, language, etc.

Creating your visa

  1. Create a stamp for each country’s unique visa. Stamps can be as simple as the first letter of the country’s name, or students can make their own. Using the foam sheets, have students cut out the stamp designs that will then be glued to the wood blocks.
  2. Using a mixture of 3 to 1 of tempera paint and glue to make “ink” for the stamp. Place a piece of sponge in your paint container and cover it with the “ink” of each country’s stamp.
  3. When tourists come to your country, be sure to stamp their passport!

Creating your passports

  1. Have students glue their pictures into their passport, then sign and date them. Alternate ways to sign their name could include a name stamp, letter stamp, or digital signature.

Travel Day

  1. Students can play music for their country. Using a PowerLink 4 and a CD player, have students take turns playing music from their countries.
  2. Presentations can be given to teach the travelers about each country. See Adapted Presentations Remarkable Idea for some tips.


  • “We will be taking a trip _____ (in the next few days, weeks, months) to various countries around the world to learn about different countries and cultures.”
  • “Has anyone ever traveled outside of the country?”
  • “There is a special book or document that you need to travel to other countries, does anyone know what this is called?”
  • “When you arrive at a country you they give you a visa.”


  • Culture – a way of life of a group of people.
  • Passport – a form of identification used when traveling to other countries.
  • Visa – a stamp or document that allows you to enter or leave a country